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关于我们 - 红杉中国 - HongShan
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Hongshan culture - Wikipedia
The Hongshan culture (simplified Chinese: 红山文化; traditional Chinese: 紅山文化; pinyin: Hóngshān wénhuà) was a Neolithic culture in the West Liao river basin in northeast China. Hongshan sites have been found in an area stretching from Inner Mongolia to Liaoning, and dated from about 4700 to 2900 BC. [1]


红杉资本 - 百度百科
红杉资本于1972年在美国硅谷成立。红杉作为第一家机构投资人投资了如Apple, Google, Cisco, Oracle, Yahoo, LinkedIn等众多创新型公司。红杉资本在美国、中国、印度三个国家设有本地化的基金。2019年11月16日,胡润研究院发布《2019胡润全球独角兽活跃投资机构百强榜》,红杉资本排名第1位。

The Hongshan Culture of northeastern China was one China’s major Neolithic cultures. According to the National Palace Museum, Taipei, “Five to six thousand years ago, the Hongshan Culture reached new heights. In addition to constructing temples to a giant, painted goddess, they also built round sacrificial altars and square tombs.

The Hongshan Culture -- china.org.cn
Hongshan Culture is characterized primarily by the ancient painted potteries, the "Z"-stripped potteries and the unique digging tools-stone spades and laurel leave-shaped two-holed stone knives.

Hongshan culture | Neolithic, Rituals, Jade | Britannica
Hongshan culture, (c. 4000–3000 bce) prehistoric culture of far northern China. It appears to have had a three-tiered elite whose members were honoured with complex burials. Painted pottery found there may link it to Yangshao culture, while its beautiful jade artifacts link it to other jade-working

红杉中国 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
本页面最后修订于2025年2月4日 (星期二) 04:58。 本站的全部文字在知识共享 署名-相同方式共享 4.0协议之条款下提供,附加条款亦可能应用。 (请参阅使用条款) Wikipedia®和维基百科标志是维基媒体基金会的注册商标;维基™是维基媒体基金会的商标。 维基媒体基金会是按美国国內稅收法501(c)(3)登记 ...

The secret Hongshan culture - natalymaster.com
Hongshan societies, dated between 4,500 and 3,000 B.C. in the Liao and Daling river valleys in northeast China, are also known mostly from burials and monumental architecture. Unlike Yangshao, Dawenkou, and Daxi societies, massive walls, moats, and elaborate residences are unknown.

【报名中】欢迎来到YUÈ——红杉中国创业加速器 - HongShan
yuÈ是由红杉中国推出的创业加速器,定位为「创业者的第一课」。 红杉将用独家研发的体系化创业课程和资源服务,为处于种子轮到a轮的中国创业者系统化培养基础的创业能力和商业认知。




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